Abu Zubaydah’s Drawings of his Torture Published

Art and human rights. There can be little doubt that there are times when art can convey messages about human rights that legal briefs and judgments cannot.  Our client, Abu Zubaydah’s drawings were published the same week the European Court judgment in his favour was handed down. See his own depictions of his torture here:  https://www.propublica.org/article/abu-zubaydah-drawings-pictures-from-an-interrogation



Foreign Terrorist Fighters and Human Rights: OSCE Report and Panel

A report on the multiple human rights implications of the “foreign terrorist fighter” phenomenon and responses nationally and internationally, has been prepared under the auspices the OSCE. The report was informed by stakeholder meetings at ODIHR/OSCE offices during 2017 and will be discussed at the Human Dimension Implementation meeting during 2018.

The report is available here.

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Summer Schools – 2018

The summer is a time when multiple summer schools and masters programmers are taught around the world. During 2018 Helen Duffy of HRiP participated in the following:

-        Summer schools @ the Grotius Centre: Grotius has become a centre for summer schools and I am pleased to teach on the one on IHL (IHL and human rights law), and International Criminal Law (Terror and Crime).

-        An intensive masters of laws course (Terrorism and Human Rights), taught biennially in Melbourne University.

-        The Asser Institute summer school on counter terrorism, brings students and practitioners from around the globe.

-        American University, Academy of Human Rights and IHL Summer School; summer course on International Justice.

- Lawyering in the Public Interest; pleased to deliver the keynote at this timely new initiative organised by the Asser Institute in the Hague.
