Summer Schools – 2018

The summer is a time when multiple summer schools and masters programmers are taught around the world. During 2018 Helen Duffy of HRiP participated in the following:

-        Summer schools @ the Grotius Centre: Grotius has become a centre for summer schools and I am pleased to teach on the one on IHL (IHL and human rights law), and International Criminal Law (Terror and Crime).

-        An intensive masters of laws course (Terrorism and Human Rights), taught biennially in Melbourne University.

-        The Asser Institute summer school on counter terrorism, brings students and practitioners from around the globe.

-        American University, Academy of Human Rights and IHL Summer School; summer course on International Justice.

- Lawyering in the Public Interest; pleased to deliver the keynote at this timely new initiative organised by the Asser Institute in the Hague.
