Piskin v Turkey ECtHR: thousands of dismissed Public Sector workers look to holistic implementation of ECHR judgement

The Pişkin v. Turkey judgment (2021) was the first in which the European Court ruled on the incompatibility with the ECHR of the massive arbitrary dismissals of public sector workers under the Turkish state of emergency. The submissions in this case, prepared for the Turkey Litigation Support Project, and colleagues from Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists, urge the Committee of Ministers to exercise robust oversight of this important case, and to adopt a holistic approach to implementation and reparation. The findings of the Court are relevant to the tens of thousands affected by this drastic practice, whose right to an effective remedy continues to be violated. Our submission of September 2022 makes clear that, despite government claims to have implemented the judgment, it has wholly failed as yet to take the individual or general measures required by the Court. Our submissions are here.
