International Case filed by Abu Zubaydah against the US, UK, Thailand, Poland, Morocco, Lithuania, Afghanistan

On 30 April 2021 a new petition and urgent action was filed on behalf of Abu Zubaydah against the United States and 6 other countries – UK, Thailand, Poland, Morocco, Lithuania, Afghanistan – before the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. It focuses on the prime responsibility of the US for detaining our client in legal limbo, without review of lawfulness, charge or trial, for 19 years. It calls for Abu Zubaydah’s release - an essential remedy after 19 years arbitrary detention. The application calls on all respondent states, that share responsibility for his torture and for contributing to his ongoing arbitrary detention, to share responsibility for taking all possible measures to bring it to an end. Release should be accompanied by medical and psychological support and rehabilitation, transparency, investigation, accountability and reparation by all states, which includes learning lessons from the worst of ‘war on terror’ crimes, which his case represents, and providing meaningful guarantees of non-repetition. This is the first time a case has been brought against some of these states for their now notorious and well documented roles in the global rendition and torture programme. The particular vulnerability of Abu Zubaydah and other Guantanamo detainees at this time is clear from reports of Covid vaccines being denied to detainees and hunger strikes spreading in Guantanamo, underscoring the urgency of this complaint. For background, press statement and the Complaint as filed, see here.
